Our Company

At Lannon Stone, we care a lot about what we do and how we do it.

What We do
We produce and sell quality construction aggregates from 6 locations in Southeast Wisconsin, serving the concrete, asphalt, road-building, grading, utility, landscape, environmental, and building stone industries.

How We do It
We want to be the best miners in the world. We will do this by continually building our company to balance the conflicting needs of the people who interact with our business: our customers, neighbors, employees, vendors, and owners. With great design and hard work, we strive to understand these needs and build solutions that are long-term wins for all the people who interact with us.

Doing the right thing for the long term is tough. It is tough to know what to do and tougher to actually do it. But it is still important to do those right things which are why we strive to run our company according to our values. They are our guiding light. They inform our decisions regarding all the people who interact with our business. We know we aren’t perfect, but as long as we strive towards these values we can, as a team, uphold them.

Moraine Development

Moraine Development offers a clean-fill tipping site accepting clean fill, brick, building stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, broken pavement, and unpainted or untreated wood per WI DNR500.08 (2) (a).

We continually maintain our roads and tipping locations to ensure that your trucks enter and exit our facility quickly and safely.

Moraine Development is co-located with our Richfield Pit which allows our customers to load over a dozen aggregate products minutes after dumping their fill, often saving thousands of dollars in trucking per job.

Easy Access – Moraine Development is on HWY 175 in Richfield, and only 20 minutes from the 45/94 (Zoo) Interchange.

Certified Truckers

Certified Truckers maintains a fleet of 60 Class 8 quad axle dump trucks to deliver Lannon Stone Products’ aggregates, haul clean fill from your job to Moraine Development, or service any of your bulk material hauling needs.

Dispatch 262-251-1520

Lannon Stone Foundation

Community involvement begins with actually being in the community, and every member of the Dawson Family actively involved with Lannon Stone Products lives in one of our host communities. (Village of Richfield, Town of Lisbon, Village of Sussex).

Moraine Development

Moraine Development offers a clean-fill tipping site accepting clean fill, brick, building stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, broken pavement, and unpainted or untreated wood per WI DNR500.08 (2) (a).

We continually maintain our roads and tipping locations to ensure that your trucks enter and exit our facility quickly and safely.

Moraine Development is co-located with our Richfield Pit which allows our customers to load over a dozen aggregate products minutes after dumping their fill, often saving thousands of dollars in trucking per job.

Easy Access – Moraine Development is on HWY 175 in Richfield, and only 20 minutes from the 45/94 (Zoo) Interchange.

We also accept clean imported fill at our West Quarry on Lisbon Rd. Providing access to maintained dump roads with dozens of limestone aggregate products available for pick up from our West and Sussex Quarries.

Certified Truckers

Certified Truckers maintains a fleet of 60 Class 8 quad axle dump trucks to deliver Lannon Stone Products’ aggregates, haul clean fill from your job to Moraine Development, or service any of your bulk material hauling needs.

Dispatch 262-251-1520

Lannon Stone Foundation

Community involvement begins with actually being in the community, and every member of the Dawson Family actively involved with Lannon Stone Products lives in one of our host communities. (Village of Richfield, Town of Lisbon, Village of Sussex).

Moraine Development

Moraine Development offers a clean-fill tipping site accepting clean fill, brick, building stone, concrete, reinforced concrete, broken pavement, and unpainted or untreated wood per WI DNR500.08 (2) (a).

We continually maintain our roads and tipping locations to ensure that your trucks enter and exit our facility quickly and safely.

Moraine Development is co-located with our Richfield Pit which allows our customers to load over a dozen aggregate products minutes after dumping their fill, often saving thousands of dollars in trucking per job.

Easy Access – Moraine Development is on HWY 175 in Richfield, and only 20 minutes from the 45/94 (Zoo) Interchange.

Certified Truckers

Certified Truckers maintains a fleet of 60 Class 8 quad axle dump trucks to deliver Lannon Stone Products’ aggregates, haul clean fill from your job to Moraine Development, or service any of your bulk material hauling needs.

Dispatch 262-251-1520